
Website: www.jakababnik.com


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Jaka Babnik

This graduate of Philosophical Faculty at the Universe of Ljubljana (a degree in social studies in sociology and a degree in history ) has been working as a photographer and a cinematographer since 1996. Between 1998 and 2006 he has worked as a photo editor for Slovenian-Croatian skateboard magazine Pendrek. Jaka is also an author (as a director, director of photography and an editor) of a few renowned Slovenian skateboard movies such as Damage (2002), for which he received a special award for realization at 7. Festival of Slovenian Independent Film and a film Listen to Srecna Mladina (2006) for which he received an award for his camera work at 10. Festival of Slovenian Independent Film. Between 2006-2009 Jaka worked as an editor/co-owner of a trans-Balkan street magazine Kontejner.

As a photographer he had a chance to introduce himself at the exhibition like Babnik and friends at Kazamat Gallery in Osijek (Croatia), at The Le Boxx Art Show in Malmö (Sweden). In 2007 he, together with a photographer Sergej Vutuc, started a project called Art of Asfalt (2007), that brought together different artists from the republic’s of Ex-Yugoslavia, that all have their roots in skateboard culture and street continues to be their space of expression. In February of 2010 he put on display a series of photographs from behind the scenes of dog fighting, subtly entitled We are dogs!, that alo earned him a second place award at 2010 Emzin Photography of the year in Slovenia.

Jaka works as a freelance photographer.


We are dogs by Jaka Babnik

We are Dogs!


Why so Serious?


Top lokacija • Jaka Babnik in Miha Colner
