Athens Photo Festival 2022

June 6, 2022 8:48 am Published by

June 2022
Opening of Athens Photo Festival 2022
Wednesday 8 June Benaki Museum / Piraeus 138

The Athens Photo Festival 2022 opens on Wednesday, June 8, at 20.00, at the Benaki Museum / Piraeus 138, with the participation of 102 artists from 28 countries.
This is a large exhibition production, which will be developed in 3,000 square meters, occupying all the exhibition spaces of the museum.
For the detailed program of Athens Photo Festival 2022,

Bebe Blanco Agterberg (NL), Hannah Altman (US), Claudia Amatruda (IT), Zoe Aubry (CH), Chloe Milos Azzopardi (FR), Jessica Bernard (GB),Samuel Bianchini (FR), Marjolein Blom (NL), Marta Bogdanska (PL), Elena Aya Bundurakis (GR), Anna-Tia Buss (CH/DE), Campus Novel (GR), Mary Chairetaki & Panos Charalampidis (GR), Γιούλα Χατζηγεωργίου (GR), Matthieu Croizier (GH/FR), Deanna Dikeman (US), Chiara Ernandes (IT), Μαρίλια Φωτοπούλου (GR), Παύλος Φυσάκης (GR), Jennifer Georgescu (US), George Georgiou (GB), Lina Geoushy (EG), Cemre Yesil Gonenli ( TR ), Tina Hage (DE), Eeva Hannula (FL), Marvel Harris (NL), Alma Haser (GB/DE), Elena Helfrecht (DE), Elizabeth Hibbard (US), Assaf Hinden (IL & DE), Hien Hoang (VN), Judith van IJken (NL), Philippe Jarrigeon (FR), Tamara Kametani (SK), Κώστας Καψιάνης (GR), Isik Kaya & Thomas Georg Blank (TR/DE), Viktor Koen (US), Ola Lanko (UA), Inka & Niclas Lindergard (SE), Rachele Maistrello (IT), Γιάννης Μανωλής (GR), Μαρία Μαυροπούλου (GR), Livia Melzi (BR), Marisol Mendez (BO), Rebecca Najdowski (US/AU), Νίκος Παναγιωτόπουλος (GR), Μυρτώ Παπαδοπούλου (GR), Kosmas Pavlidis (GR), Antonia Petriti (GR), Πηνελόπη Πετσίνη (GR), Klaus Pichler (AT), Birthe Piontek (DE), Peter Puklus (HU), Janis Rafa (GR), Alessia Rollo (IT), Lara Shipley & Antone Dolezal (US), Σπύρος Στάβερης (GR), Olga Stefatou (GR), Daniel Szalai (HU), Γιάννης Θεοδωρόπουλος (GR), Πηνελόπη Θωμαΐδη (GR), Marinos Tsagkarakis (GR), Penelope Umbrico (US), Andres Mario de Varona (IT), Vaskos (Βασίλης Νούλας & Κώστας Τζημούλης) (GR), Cristiano Volk (IT), Amani Willett (US), Sheung Yiu (HK), Martina Zanin (IT), Ana Zibelnik (SI)

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