Indigo Festival 2019

August 29, 2019 6:36 pm Published by

Avgust 2019

INDIGO FESTIVAL, Nobody Cares? 11. 9.–13. 9. 2019
All we want is peace and quiet. We withdraw to detachment, vegging out in privacy, until someone knocks on our door. Personal integrity and the possibility of solidarity have been taken away from us, while, squinting over our bedsheets, we gloomily observe world events or simply lock our hearts away to guard them from the evil. Should we care? Perhaps the last stanza of the European anthem Ode to Joy exposes some of these antagonisms: “Yes – he too who but one being on this earth can call his own! He who ne’er was able, weeping stealeth from this league alone!”
LOCATIONS: Ljubljana -Trg francoske revolucije, Gosposka ulica, Križevniška ulica, Novi trg, Ambrožev trg square park

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This post was written by rostfrei