CIRKUS Jože Suhadolnik


Published: 05/2022
Extent: 49 spreads
Dimensions: 225 × 220 mm
Edition: 300
Binding: soft bound, Sirio color caffe 350 g
Paper: 150 g Symbol Tatami Ivory

Price: 48 eur



Series of photographs Circus was produced in the period 1999–2010 at various locations across Europe—a time when the heroic era of the classic travelling circus had already irrevocably ended. Nowadays the use of animals for the purpose of circus performances is either prohibited or at least significantly limited in most European countries—a fact that has irreversibly transformed the entire industry.
Suhadolnik is interested in the archetypical travelling circus—the type that mostly thrived in the 19th and 20th centuries, becoming deeply imprinted in the cultural memory of the modern world—despite the fact that the circus was already in deep decline when this series was being created.

Serija Cirkus je nastajala v obdobju 1999-2010 na različnih lokacijah po Evropi, v času, ko se je herojsko obdobje klasičnega potujočega cirkusa že nepreklicno končalo. Danes je namreč v večini evropskih držav uporaba živali za namene cirkuških predstav prepovedana ali vsaj zelo omejena, kar je nepreklicno transformiralo celotno industrijo.
Čeprav je bil v času ustvarjanja serije že v globokem zatonu, je Suhadolnika zanimal prav tisti arhetipski potujoči cirkus, ki je deloval in cvetel v 19. in 20. stoletju in se globoko vtisnil v kulturni spomin moderne dobe.