COLOR • Emina Djukić


Published: 10/2016
Extent: 90 pages
Dimensions: 188 × 245 mm
Edition: 300
Binding: softback saddle-stitching with foil embossing
Packing: Each book in plastic foil bag
ISBN 978-961-94082-0-9

Price: 19 €


A Slice in Time of a Certain Ground
by Emina Djukić

46°08’17.9″N 14°24’46.0″E The photobook COLOR by Emina Djukić shows the transformation of a place in a small town of Medvode, Slovenia. From small manufactory to one of the most important factories in Yugoslavia, to it’s collapse and transformation to parking place with a market after socialist system was replaced in the early 1990s.


Rostfrei Publishing on Vimeo.

Emina Djukic

Emina Djukić